
(Reinforced) patch handle bags

… are probably the most widespread and versatile carrier bags in use worldwide.

Patch handle bags are rectangular carrier bags in which the handle hole is stamped out in a kidney or oval shape. They are used primarily where the material to be carried in them (medicines, postcards, etc.) is relatively light. Large-format die-cut handle bags are frequently used for bedding products, in particular.

The reinforced patch handle bag differs from the patch handle bag in that it has an additional reinforcing patch glued into the handle area. These bags are extremely strong and can therefore also be filled with heavy items.

The sinus patch handle carrier bag differs from the reinforced patch handle bag in that it has a sinusoidal rather than a rectangular upper edge. The reinforcing patch is not attached only to the handle area, but runs across the entire width of the top of the carrier bag.

In addition to a number of neutral standard versions, our bags are generally produced to your specifications. You can choose from options under a series of parameters. These are as follows:

  • with or without a bottom gusset / side gusset
  • type of material (LDPE, HDPE, MDPE, coex or regenerate/recycled)
  • material thickness in µm
  • length and width
  • loose, rolled or blocked
  • number of print colours
  • print area

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