
Quality assurance

To meet our quality standards, inspections of products and production processes at different points in time are essential. For this reason, Comcoplast checks the quality of both its own production processes and those of its suppliers.

This on-site quality testing is conducted by auditing companies (such as TÜV, SGS etc.), buying agents and the company's own quality inspectors.

In addition to the on-site inspections, all incoming goods are examined and tested in the company's own quality-testing laboratory in Neuss. The testing laboratory uses many different test methods and standards. These include the following:

  • weight and volume checks
  • checking of material thicknesses using electronic probes
  • checking of dimensions
  • determination of tensile strength
  • measurement of propagation tear resistance using the Elmendorf method
  • determination of puncture resistance as per DIN
  • performance of jog test
  • determination of fabric structure using a fibre counting device

Where necessary, the company's own testing laboratory is assisted by external testing institutes, such as ISEGA or TÜV. In addition, reference samples are archived for all products.

Thanks to this large number of quality assurance measures, we can ensure that the goods that are delivered will conform to the required formats, qualities and quantities.

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